Frank ICSE Primary Mathematics for Class 2 | Latest Edition
- Publisher : Frank Bros.
- Author: P Joseph
- Edition: 2024
- Availability: In Stock
- Normally Deliver within 3-4 days

Description :
Primary Mathematics series for classes 1 and 2 has been developed in strict conformity with the National Curriculum Framework for Foundational Stage NCF-FS 2023 and the Syllabus for the Foundational Stage.
The textbooks focus on basic understanding and competencies related to numeracy through Oral Math Talk, Skills Teaching, Skill Practice and Math Games, they have been included in all the chapters.
Key Features of Books 1 and 2
Learning Objectives are in keeping with NEP and NCF-FS guidelines
Topics have been graded and presented in a concentric pattern based on the
psychological learning pattern of the child
Oral Math Talk is encouraged whereby two child friendly characters Krish and Kini take children along various mathematical concepts
Skill Teaching through guided activities in all the chapters, helps the child to develop various mathematical skills
Comprehensive Exercises offer opportunities for Skill Practice along with each topic
Interwoven Math Games in the form of worksheets and math lab promote joyful learning
Tags: Frank ICSE Primary Mathematics for Class 2 | Latest Edition, P Joseph, ICSE Class 6
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